Japan Valuers regards the corporate compliance as basis of management, and makes efforts to build an organization to achieve the goal of full compliance.
Corporate Policy
Japan Valuers thinks of corporate compliance not simply as obeying rules laws or ordinances, but also as being responsible for such demands from the society.
Along with ensuring the compliance with laws and ordinances, Japan Valuers acts on business and corporate ethics to be a credible expert corps in the society.
Japan Valuers Internal Committee of Compliance is set directly under the President and Executive Vice President in the organization. In the committee, internal and external issues of compliance are kept discussed and it reports to senior meetings in the company. Also, the committee assigns supervising division for compliance, and it aims to plan, frame, adjust and improve the organization to achieve robust compliance systems. It also takes part in employees' educations on compliance.
In the profession of valuations, the Compliance Division collaborates with Valuation Screening Division in order to catch up with up-to-date Real Estate Valuation Standards and other valuation guidelines. Also, the Compliance Division prepares not only the rules of employment but also the following corporate regulations:
- Compliance Regulation
- Confidentiality Management Regulation
- Privacy Management Regulation
- E-mail Communication Regulation
- Valuation Screening/Censorship Regulation
- Track Record Management Regulation
Internal Whistle-Blowing System
According to our Compliance Regulation, notification must be given to the committee of compliance in case if any incompliant behaviors would be discovered. The Division of Supervision for Compliance then countermeasures the incompliant behaviors immediately and makes efforts to prevent similar misdeeds in the future. In the course of actions, privacy of the whistle-blower is protected and it shall be never disadvantaged by the blowing